Our Product

“A Sandwich For Everyone”


The Barney Brown product line was built to reach sandwich lovers of all different shapes and sizes. We don’t favor one type of sandwich over another. We believe all sandwiches are created equal. As specialists in customization, we build our customers the exact sandwiches they want using the best ingredients out there. It doesn’t matter if it’s a white bread sandwich with a half portion of turkey, or an Italian hero with ham, prosciutto, and soppressata… if our customers want it, we’ll make it... and we’ll make it well.

 Local Bakeries

We partner with the best bakeries in each region to ensure we’re working with partners who hold their product to as high of a standard as we do. All breads are delivered fresh every morning. If you’re opening in a new region, all local bread vendors will need to go through a vetting process and be pre-approved.

National Vendors

Barney Brown works with a collection of national vendors to ensure the product experience is consistent across all regions and territories. We’ll connect you with all of the required sales reps in your area to make your supply chain setup process as seamless as possible.


Eco-Friendly Packaging

All Barney Brown products are packaged in recycled kraft, fiber, and PET materials. Our packaging is durable and designed for easy transportation.